
When is the deadline for making a reservation?

The deadline for reservations is 18:00 Japan time (UTC+9) on the day before you want drop off your luggage.

When is the deadline for dropping off my luggage at my accommodations?

7:30 Japan time (UTC+9) on the day you want to drop off your luggage.

When is the deadline for dropping off my luggage at the airport counter?

13:00 Japan time (UTC+9) on the day you want to drop off your luggage.

Where can I make a reservation?

You can make a reservation on the website below:
Reservation Page : https://reserva.be/kurogo
Please tell us where and when you would like your luggage to be delivered, as well as the number of items.

What kind of information do I need to provide?

Please provide your name, email address, phone number, flight number, and the names of both the accommodation and airport you will be using, as well as the credit card information you want to use for payment.

Where can I check my reservation once I make it?

When your reservation is complete, we will send you an email with the details, so please check the contents of the email.
We ask that you please change your inbox/spam folder settings to allow emails from the following address:

I want to send my luggage to the airport. What should I do about the delivery slip?

We will provide delivery using the information from your reservation, so you don't have to prepare anything in advance.
※Please check your reminder email when you hand over your luggage to make sure there are no mistakes with your reservation information.

I want to send my luggage to my accommodations. What should I do about the delivery slip?

We will provide delivery using the information from your reservation, so you don't have to prepare anything in advance.
※Please check your reminder email when you hand over your luggage to make sure there are no mistakes with your reservation information.

Is there anyone I can contact if I have a question about my reservation?

Please contact customer support using the email address below.

I have a reservation, but I wasn't able to make it to reception in time. Can I still drop off my luggage?

We are very sorry, but we can't accept items outside of the time listed in your reservation.

How can I pay?

We only accept payment by credit card.

What kind of credit card can I use to pay?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, and Diners Club.

Can I get a receipt?

Yes. Please contact customer support if you would like a receipt.

I forgot my reservation number. Where can I confirm it?

Please confirm using the email you got at the time you made your reservation.
If you haven't received an email, please check and make sure it wasn't send to your spam folder.

I forgot my reservation number and accidentally deleted the email.
What can I do if I have the right name and email address for my reservation?

Please contact customer support.

I forgot my reservation number and accidentally deleted the email.
What can I do if I have the right name for my reservation?

Please contact customer support.

I haven't received a confirmation email yet. Can you re-send it?

We can re-send your confirmation email.
Please contact customer support.
We ask that you please change your inbox/spam folder settings to be sure you can receive emails from the address above.

Can I use the delivery service if I don't plan on staying at one of the accommodations listed?

KURO-GO is available only for customers staying at our partner accommodations.
We apologize, but we ask that you please use another company's delivery service.

Can people also ride in the delivery vehicle?

We are very sorry, but vehicles are only available for luggage transport.
Please travel by train, bus, or taxi.

What should I do if I was charged more money than was specified in my reservation?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I was charged less money than was specified in my reservation?

Please contact customer support.


Where can I drop off my luggage at my accommodations?

Please check with the accommodation staff about where to drop off your luggage.

Where can I drop off my luggage at the airport?

You can drop off your luggage and any of the JAL ABC counters listed below.

Narita International Airport Terminal 1 South Wing JAL ABC counter, International Arrivals 1st floor lobby
Narita International Airport Terminal 1 North Wing JAL ABC counter, International Arrivals 1st floor lobby
Narita International Airport Terminal 2 JAL ABC counter, International Arrivals 1st floor lobby
Details for counter locations at Haneda Airport can be found here​

Haneda International Airport Terminal 3 JAL ABC counter, International Arrivals 2nd floor lobby
Details for counter locations at Haneda Airport can be found here​

Are there any items that can't be sent?

Please note that we are unable to handle any items listed below.

Items weighing 30kg or more

  • Items with a combined length, width, and height greater than 180cm
  • Items weighing 30kg or more

Valuable items

  • Items valued at over 300,000 yen
  • Cash, credit cards, precious stones, passports and other forms of identification
  • Items that include personal information as well as items that require special handling
  • Items that are impossible to re-create, such as manuscripts, video tape, film, and electronic media
  • Remains, cremated remains

Improperly packed items

  • Bags or boxes that aren't fully closed, or with the contents sticking out
  • Items too small to put a tag on

Dangerous items and precision machines

  • Items that may be dangerous or troublesome for people, or for other items being transported
  • Fireworks, spray cans, lighters, poisonous or toxic substances
  • Electronics containing lithium ion batteries (wireless headphones, portable curling irons, etc.)

Items that require a controlled temperature

  • Fruits, vegetables, items that require freezing or refrigeration (fish, chocolate, etc.)
  • Animals (cats, dogs, etc.) and plants (seedlings, ikebana)

Fragile items

  • Porcelain, glass, cans and bottles (liquor and seasonings, as well as makeup and perfume in breakable containers)
  • Musical instruments
  • Works of art, antiques

Items other than those listed above that KURO-GO Luggage Delivery determines to be unfit for transport

What are the largest and smallest items that can be delivered? (In terms of both size and weight)

Largest size: items with a combined length, width, and height less than 180cm weighing less than 30kg
※No longer than 170cm on any side. Items with specifications such as "this side up" are limited to 100cm long on any side.

Smallest size: Items too small to attach a tag to cannot be accepted.

Can I send an all-in-one type snowboard case with my board, boots, and jacket as one item?

Yes, you can send it.
※The combined length, width, and height must be less than 180cm, and the weight must be less than 30kg.
※It also must be no longer than 170cm on any side. Items with specifications such as "this side up" are limited to 100cm long on any side.

How should I prepare my luggage (suitcase) for delivery?

We ask that you place your belongings in your suitcase and lock it.

Where can I get a tag for my luggage?

Please get a tag from either the front desk at your accommodations or from the JAL ABC counter.

What should I do if I forgot to drop off my luggage on the day of my reservation?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I brought more luggage than I reserved space for?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I brought fewer items than I reserved space for?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I have a reservation but my name isn't on the list at the airport counter?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I went to drop off my luggage at the wrong counter?

Please contact customer support.


Where can I pick up my luggage at my accommodations?

Please ask the accommodation staff about where to pick up your luggage.

Where can I pick up my luggage at the airport?

You can pick up your luggage at the following JAL ABC counters:

Narita International Airport Terminal 1 South Wing JAL ABC counter, International Departures 4th floor lobby
Narita International Airport Terminal 1 North Wing JAL ABC counter, International Departures 4th floor lobby
Narita International Airport Terminal 2 JAL ABC counter, International Departures 3rd floor lobby

Haneda International Airport Terminal 3 JAL ABC counter, International Departures 3rd floor lobby

Do I need to present anything or sign anything when I pick up my luggage?

We need to get your signature on our list when you pick up your luggage.
We also need to confirm your name and reservation number, so please show us your reminder email.

What should I do if I forgot to pick up my luggage on the day of my reservation?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if my luggage still hasn't arrived after the specified date and time?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I forgot to pick up my luggage at my accommodations?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I sent my luggage to the airport but went to the boarding gate and can no longer pick it up?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I accidentally picked up someone else's luggage at my accommodations?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if the luggage I'm supposed to pick up hasn't arrived due to a delay?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if the person who's name is on the reservation can't go pick up the luggage (due to sickness, accidents, etc.)?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if I can't pick up my luggage because the airport counter is closed?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if the delivery was on time but my luggage has been lost?

Please contact customer support.

Q4Change Reservations

Can I add items to my reservation?

Yes. However, if you want to add luggage you will need to make a new reservation on our website.
We ask that you use the same information as your current reservation.
Please complete your new reservation by 18:00 Japan time(UTC +9) the day before your desired delivery date.
Reservation Page : https://reserva.be/kurogo

Can I take items off my reservation?

Yes. However, you will need to re-do your reservation. Please cancel your current reservation and make a new one.
※Please check our cancellation policy. Also please complete your reservation by 18:00 Japan time (UTC+9) the day before your desired delivery date.
Reservation Page : https://reserva.be/kurogo

Will the cost change if I want to change the size and/or type of my luggage?

We charge a fixed price per item, so the fee will not change.


Can you tell me about your cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy is listed below.
With notification after the 18:00 Japan time (UTC+9) reservation deadline: 100% of the original fee is charged (processed as a cancellation charge)
Without notification: 100% of the original fee is charged (processed as a cancellation charge)

What do I do if I want to cancel?

You can cancel your reservation on your own as long as you are still within the free cancellation period.
Please use the link provided in your confirmation email to cancel.
We are unable to cancel your reservation after 18:00 (Japan time, UTC+9) the day before the date of your delivery, or on the date of your delivery itself.


Is the delivery service available as normal during weekends, holidays, and popular Japanese tourism seasons like Golden Week, Obon, and the New Year?

Yes. We collect and deliver during all of those times.

What time is customer support available?

Our customer support department is available from 7:00~22:00 Japan time (UTC+9).


How long will it take to deliver my luggage?

From your accommodations to the airport: same day delivery
From the airport to the your accommodations: same day delivery
※There is a possiblity that luggage delivery may be delayed due to weather and traffic conditions.

Can I look up the state of my belongings (tracking, confirmation)?

Please contact customer support.

How can I check if my delivery is delayed due to a disaster like an earthquake, typhoon, or heavy snow?

Please check the notifications about situations that affect deliveries posted on the KURO-GO website.
Official website : https://kurogo-service.com/luggage-delivery/

What should I do if I made a mistake when selecting a destination for delivery?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if my luggage got sent to the wrong accomodation due to a mistake with the tag at the airport?

Please contact customer support.

Q8Lost/Damaged Items

What should I do if the luggage I picked up has been damaged?

Please contact customer support.

How much is my luggage insured for in the event it is lost or damaged?

Please contact customer support.

I noticed that the contents of my luggage were damaged immediately after picking it up. What should I do?

Please contact customer support.

I noticed that the outside of my luggage was damaged immediately after picking it up. What should I do?

Please contact customer support.

I noticed that the contents of my luggage were damaged after the day I picked it up. What should I do?

Please contact customer support.

I noticed that the outside of my luggage was damaged after the day I picked it up. What should I do?

Please contact customer support.


What should I do if my flight arrived on schedule but I won't make it in time to drop off my luggage due to having to spend a lot of time going through immigration?

Please contact customer support.

Q10Airline Issues

I made a reservation in advance to send my luggage from the airport to my accommodations, but my flight was cancelled and I'm no longer able to make it to Japan. What should I do?

Please contact customer support.

I made a reservation in advance to send my luggage from my accommodations to the airport, but my flight was cancelled. What should I do?

Please contact customer support.

What should I do if my flight's arrival was delayed due to weather or another factor and I won't make it in time to drop off my luggage?

Please contact customer support.